
Your Worth Is Not in Your Weight: Embracing Body Respect and Trust
Written by Erica F Perusse, MSDI - dietetic intern
It is easy to fall into the trap of measuring self-worth by the number on a scale or the size of your newest pair of jeans. But you are not a number. You are a whole person—deserving of…

5 Reasons To Move Away From The Scale
If you find yourself thinking about your weight frequently, maybe that looks like several times week, once a day, or even more than that, than you are not alone. The scale can play a huge role in a person’s life, even without being aware of…

Nourishment When Going Back To School
Going back to school can be an exciting time. Getting to see friends you maybe haven’t seen in a while, diving back into a routine, and the inevitable fun (but sometimes corny) school events. However, this time can also come with a lot of…

Fall Recipe: Pumpkin Bread
Fall is finally here and what better way to kick it off than with a super yummy and easy pumpkin recipe! This pumpkin bread is great to enjoy with a cup of coffee or tea, anytime of the day! You can use any type of flour or oil to make this…

Baking For Comfort During A Global Pandemic
The world is going through a lot right now and finding what helps you cope with that is important. I have been finding myself doing a lot of different things during this time at home due to covid-19. I have rested, watched TV and movies, walked…

Intuitive Eating and The Holidays
With the holidays quickly approaching, we thought It would be the perfect time to re-introduce the 10 principles for eating intuitively and how to utilize them around the holidays. These 10 principles will hopefully help guide you through the…

4 Steps to Stop Feeling Out of Control Around Halloween Candy!
The end of summer and start of fall have been flying by! I can’t believe it is already almost Halloween. Fall and Halloween are two of my favorite things! I love the weather, the changing leaves, the crisp air, pumpkin patches, haunted houses,…

Summer Recipe: Smoothies
Today we are talking all things smoothies! This summer I have had a lot of smoothies. Sometimes I make them at home or sometimes I’ll grab one at Smoothie King or I Love Juice Bar in Nashville if I’m out and want one! They can be a quick…

How To Talk About Food And Bodies With Kids
Whether you are a parent or not there is a pretty good chance you are around kids. Kids hear and see everything we do, even if we don’t think they are paying attention. It is so important to set a healthy example of what a good relationship…

How to Honor Your Health
We’ve made it all the way to the last Intuitive Eating Principle - #10 Honor Your Health. What exactly does it mean to honor your health? Well, the truth is, there is no “cookie cutter” formula for honoring your health. There is not one…