Written by Erica F Perusse, MSDI – dietetic intern
It is easy to fall into the trap of measuring self-worth by the number on a scale or the size of your newest pair of jeans. But you are not a number. You are a whole person—deserving of love, respect, and care, exactly as you are today.
For those struggling with disordered eating, body image, or the constant cycle of dieting, know this: You are not alone. Healing your relationship with food and your body takes time, patience, and self-compassion. You and your body deserve support, not shame.
Body Respect: Nourishment, Movement, and Rest
Your body is your home for life and deserves to be treated with kindness. We know that can be easier said than done sometimes. No matter its size or shape, it is worthy of nourishment, able to move in a way that feels good and has adequate rest. Instead of punishing or neglecting your body for what it is not, honor it for what it does for you every single day.
Body Honoring: Listening to Your Body’s Needs
Eating disorders and chronic dieting can disconnect you from your body’s natural signals. Relearning how to honor hunger, fullness, and cravings without judgment is an important step toward body trust. Ask yourself: What does my body need today? Maybe it needs fuel, movement, relaxation, or connection. Every response is valid.
Body Trust: Reconnecting With Your Body’s Signals
Your body is always communicating with you. It tells you when it is hungry, when it is full, and when it needs rest. But diet culture often teaches us to ignore these signals. Rebuilding trust with your body means tuning in without fear or guilt. It means recognizing that hunger is not a failure and fullness is not something to be afraid of. Your body is not the enemy.
Body Kindness: Changing Your Inner Dialogue
The way you speak to yourself matters. If you wouldn’t say something to a close friend, why say it to yourself? Try practicing self-compassionate affirmations like:
- My body is deserving of care and respect.
- I am more than a number on the scale or size of my clothing.
- I deserve to nourish my body without guilt.
- I am worthy of love and kindness—exactly as I am.
Support that Motivates: A Compassionate Approach to Healing
Healing from eating behaviors and body image thoughts is not about “fixing” yourself—it is about discovering what truly matters to you. By approaching yourself with compassion, you are giving yourself a supportive and non-judgmental space to explore your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors around food and body image. Instead of focusing on what you “should” do, give yourself room for compassion to help you uncover your own motivations for change. Helpful questions to ask yourself include:
- What are the things I value most in life, and how does my relationship with food align with them?
- If I let go of the guilt or anxiety around food, what would my life look like?
- What is one small step I can take today to show my body respect right now?
You Are More Than a Number
You do not have to love your body every day, but you can choose to respect it. Healing is not linear, and setbacks do not erase progress. Every step toward self-acceptance, no matter how small, is a victory.
If you are struggling, reach out for support. You deserve guidance, encouragement, and a safe space to heal. You are so much more than a number—you are worthy exactly as you are.