
5 Reasons To Move Away From The Scale
If you find yourself thinking about your weight frequently, maybe that looks like several times week, once a day, or even more than that, than you are not alone. The scale can play a huge role in a person’s life, even without being aware of…

5 Reasons Not To Go On A Diet During Quarantine Or Ever and What To Do Instead
So a lot of us have been in our homes more over the last month or so after covid-19 safer at home orders were put in place. This has meant more meals at home, purchasing more groceries than usual, and having access to food all day long for a…

4 Steps to Stop Feeling Out of Control Around Halloween Candy!
The end of summer and start of fall have been flying by! I can’t believe it is already almost Halloween. Fall and Halloween are two of my favorite things! I love the weather, the changing leaves, the crisp air, pumpkin patches, haunted houses,…

How to Honor Your Health
We’ve made it all the way to the last Intuitive Eating Principle - #10 Honor Your Health. What exactly does it mean to honor your health? Well, the truth is, there is no “cookie cutter” formula for honoring your health. There is not one…

How To Honor Your Feelings Without Using Food
We’re back today with Intuitive Eating Principle #7: Honor Your Feelings Without Using Food.
This one is tough and takes a lot of time, intention, and practice. Just like all of the other steps in the Intuitive Eating journey it doesn’t…

Spring Recipes!
Spring is here!!! That means the flowers are starting to bloom (depending on where you live – they are here in Nashville), the sun is shining more, and food preferences may start to shift. In the winter months I tend to love lots of crockpot…

How To Make Peace With Food
Now that we’ve talked about letting go of diet culture and honoring hunger, it’s time to get into the third principle of Intuitive Eating; making peace with food.
As humans, when we tell ourselves that we can’t have something, we tend…

Honor Your Hunger
The second principle of Intuitive Eating is, honor your hunger. The first principle was all about letting go of diet mentality. Now it is time to tune into your hunger, learn what that feels like, and honor it. Learning to honor this biological…

5 Steps To Reject Diet Mentality
Reject the diet mentality is the first principle of Intuitive Eating. Holding onto hopes about dieting or finding the perfect diet will keep you from being able to eat intuitively.
Diets do not work long-term. There is plenty of research…