
Baking For Comfort During A Global Pandemic
The world is going through a lot right now and finding what helps you cope with that is important. I have been finding myself doing a lot of different things during this time at home due to covid-19. I have rested, watched TV and movies, walked…

How To Focus On Health Not Weight
So, what is health? Health is personal and unique to each individual. What may be healthy for somebody else may not be healthy for you. Our health is so much more than our physical body. It seems our society tends to focus on that part of our…

4 Steps to Stop Feeling Out of Control Around Halloween Candy!
The end of summer and start of fall have been flying by! I can’t believe it is already almost Halloween. Fall and Halloween are two of my favorite things! I love the weather, the changing leaves, the crisp air, pumpkin patches, haunted houses,…

Summer Recipe: Smoothies
Today we are talking all things smoothies! This summer I have had a lot of smoothies. Sometimes I make them at home or sometimes I’ll grab one at Smoothie King or I Love Juice Bar in Nashville if I’m out and want one! They can be a quick…

How To Talk About Food And Bodies With Kids
Whether you are a parent or not there is a pretty good chance you are around kids. Kids hear and see everything we do, even if we don’t think they are paying attention. It is so important to set a healthy example of what a good relationship…

Summer Recipe: Fruit Pizza
Summer continues to be one of my favorite seasons and it brings so many yummy recipes! Summer means cookouts, fruit, ice cream, and so much more. One of my all-time favorite desserts is fruit pizza. Fruit pizza is so much better in the summer…

How to Honor Your Health
We’ve made it all the way to the last Intuitive Eating Principle - #10 Honor Your Health. What exactly does it mean to honor your health? Well, the truth is, there is no “cookie cutter” formula for honoring your health. There is not one…

How To Find The Joy In Movement
Intuitive Eating Principle #9: Exercise - Feel The Difference
We’ve made it all the way to Intuitive Eating principle #9: Exercise – Feel the Difference!
Who here has started some kind of exercise program in the past to then stop and…

5 Steps to Respect Your Body
We have made it to the eighth principle of Intuitive Eating: Respect Your Body. We’ve talked about a lot and only have two more principles after this one! So, what does respect your body mean?
Respect your body can mean a lot of different…

How To Honor Your Feelings Without Using Food
We’re back today with Intuitive Eating Principle #7: Honor Your Feelings Without Using Food.
This one is tough and takes a lot of time, intention, and practice. Just like all of the other steps in the Intuitive Eating journey it doesn’t…