
5 Reasons To Move Away From The Scale
If you find yourself thinking about your weight frequently, maybe that looks like several times week, once a day, or even more than that, than you are not alone. The scale can play a huge role in a person’s life, even without being aware of…

How To Talk About Food And Bodies With Kids
Whether you are a parent or not there is a pretty good chance you are around kids. Kids hear and see everything we do, even if we don’t think they are paying attention. It is so important to set a healthy example of what a good relationship…

How to Honor Your Health
We’ve made it all the way to the last Intuitive Eating Principle - #10 Honor Your Health. What exactly does it mean to honor your health? Well, the truth is, there is no “cookie cutter” formula for honoring your health. There is not one…

5 Steps to Respect Your Body
We have made it to the eighth principle of Intuitive Eating: Respect Your Body. We’ve talked about a lot and only have two more principles after this one! So, what does respect your body mean?
Respect your body can mean a lot of different…

How To Honor Your Feelings Without Using Food
We’re back today with Intuitive Eating Principle #7: Honor Your Feelings Without Using Food.
This one is tough and takes a lot of time, intention, and practice. Just like all of the other steps in the Intuitive Eating journey it doesn’t…

5 Steps To Discover The Satisfaction Factor
Today we are back with the Intuitive Eating series! We are going to start diving into Intuitive Eating Principle #6: Discover The Satisfaction Factor.
So, what is the satisfaction factor?
Have you ever eaten a meal, felt physically full,…

How To Respect Your Fullness
So we are back to the Intuitive Eating series on the blog today! Today we are going to talk about Intuitive Eating principle 5, respect your fullness.
Every human is born with the innate ability to feel fullness and respect it by stopping…

How to Challenge the Food Police
In my last post on Intuitive Eating, we talked about how to make peace with food. This week is all about working towards challenging the food police, the fourth principle of Intuitive Eating. If you haven’t read the last few posts you can…

How To Make Peace With Food
Now that we’ve talked about letting go of diet culture and honoring hunger, it’s time to get into the third principle of Intuitive Eating; making peace with food.
As humans, when we tell ourselves that we can’t have something, we tend…

Honor Your Hunger
The second principle of Intuitive Eating is, honor your hunger. The first principle was all about letting go of diet mentality. Now it is time to tune into your hunger, learn what that feels like, and honor it. Learning to honor this biological…